Grámi Hornhelm

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Grámi Hornhelm is the master smith of Hammerstead.

Grámi Hornhelm (Hammerstead)

Grámi Hornhelm
Image of Grámi Hornhelm
Title Master Smith of Hammerstead
Gender Dwarf
Race Dwarf
Region Iron Hills
Settlement Hammerstead
Interior Olin's Forge

Grámi Hornhelm is found working inside Olin's Forge at Hammerstead. He is aided by his assistant Belg Thickshanks.

Quest Involvement

Grámi Hornhelm (Máttugard)

Grámi Hornhelm
Image of Grámi Hornhelm
Title Master Smith
Gender Dwarf
Race Dwarf
Region Gundabad
Area Máttugard
Settlement Maergrind, the Noble Gate
Map Ref [49.2S, 112.1W]

Grámi Hornhelm and his assistant Belg Thickshanks have come to aid in the reclamation of Gundabad. They can be found at Maergrind, the Noble Gate.

Quest Involvement